Saturday, November 29, 2008

101 Dalmatians Escape from De Vil Manor

Rooftop Over Kitchen:

Get to the rooftop by clicking on the bed in young
Cruella's bedroom. Click on the flowerpot to plug
the hole in the roof. This will allow you to click
on the Trellis on the other side of the roof. Once you
have done that, you are on your way to the attic.


There is a way out of the Manor in this room. You must go
up the pull-down stairs in the ceiling. To reach the stairs,
the trunk must be moved below them. To move the trunk, it
must be emptied. The trunk opens with the combination to
the lock. The combination is on the right-hand wall in
Nanny's room that is revealed behind a flap of wallpaper
from a breeze when the window is opened. You can open the
window when you jump from the bed to the windowsill. Click
on the trunk and the combination will automatically be entered.

Game Room:

The game room offers another way out of the Manor. When you
make too much noise (i.e., barking) downstairs near Horace
and Jasper, you will get thrown into the game room. If you
get thrown in the game room a fourth time, the door slams
behind you and knocks the pool rack loose. Get the balls
back into the rack and move the rack by the door. Bark to
summon Horace, who will open the door and step on the balls!
He will run into the wall with his backside facing you.
The Rhino head falls on Whizzer's head; when you click on
what's left of Horace, Whizzer will ram him and you will be

101 Airborn Invasion of Normandy

Cheat mode:

Type in the following codes during gameplay:


AirNormandy - soldiers re-jump into normandy.
AngryManDinners - soldiers are given food.
Beef - all the cows on the map are killed.
Heknows - turns off Iknow.
Helllive - all the germans on the map are killed.
Hohoho - Gives your GI a brand new MG42 plus two ammo belts.
Ihaveyounow - all the germans on the map are surrendered.
Iknow - displays all germans, equipment bags, and insides
of buildings.
PrisonPod - No parachutes
TraitorTraitor - current soldier surrenders.
PrisonPod - removes all parachutes.
Robocop3 - makes your soldier go berzek.
Weasel - all soldiers on the map are made available.
YouGoSquishNow - all the germans on the map are killed.

04X Alien Eliminator

Cheat Codes:

Press all the keys at the same time

Code Result

QET - simultaneously to turn cheating on.
I - for invincibility. (Turn off with U)
asdfg - to select a weapon.
N - to immediately enter the next level.
WRY - simultaneously to turn cheating off.

Cheat mode:

Press Q + E + T to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes
to activate the cheat function.

Result Code:

Invincibility I
Disable invincibility U
Weapon select A + S + D + F + G
Level skip N
Disable cheat mode W + R + Y